Hi! I’m Paul Westbrook. I love Jesus and can’t get over what He did for me! And I love my wife and can’t imagine doing life without her! We have enjoyed all kinds of fun and crazy adventures traveling, hiking, tent camping, snow skiing, dog-sledding, white-water rafting, and more. We find ourselves energized and refreshed being out in God’s vast and beautiful creation. Nature points us to God, and we want to live our lives pointing others to this God who has transformed our lives.

We had the incredible privilege of planting Metro Community Church in 1991 and have seen it grow to over 1700 people. My passion has been to see as many people as possible come to know Jesus and be used of God to make an eternal difference in their sphere of influence. I’ve invested my life being a catalyst in the expansion of healthy, prevailing churches that want to reach people who are far from God. I also had the opportunity to help turn around a declining inner city church in Oklahoma City during my first pastorate.  So whatever size church you’re a part of, from 35 to 1700, I’ve been there.

Mentoring and developing leaders has been woven into the very fabric of everything I’ve been a part of. I want to help you align your life, your staff, and your organization to unleash the unique mission God has for you. My focus has been on replicating disciples, leaders, small groups, and churches. I would love to come along side you and/or your team.

If you would like to contact me about a…

Speaking Event

Leadership Development

Coaching / Consultation Experience

 ...please click the CONTACT tab at the top of the page; fill out the form; and I will get back with you!

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An inspirational blog by Melody Westbrook.


A women's ministry designed to invite women to grow, encourage, and challenge one another as they walk alongside each other.


Metro Community Church is a gathering of followers of Jesus who want to move closer to God, each other, and the disconnected.


Your church's partner in HEALTH, GROWTH, AND MISSION.